TAP [ Time and Place ]

TAP is designed from the ground up to help our users meet people safely and on their schedule. You can join TAPs and meet someone right now or create your own and wait for others to join. 

Making friends is easy when you have a time and place.


Join a TAP that's happening now, or one that's happening later. Once you've been approved by the creator - you're in.


You're at a cafe working remotely, create a TAP and wait for others to ask if they can join.

You're at the office, but want to meet someone at your favorite bar. Set a TAP for later and wait for others to ask to join.

Find your people

Meeting people should be easy but it's still hard, especially when you get older. TAP doesn't use an algorithm, we won't pretend to know what makes friendships work, because we don't. What we do know is you can be friends with anyone so why not try it with everyone.

Need support? Email us at support@smallrobot.app